Manufacturers of Custom Woodturnings, Columns, Carvings, Molding and Architectural Millworks



Josef's Art Woodturning & Son, Inc.

Phone: (516) 489-3080   Fax: (516) 489-3148



We want to hear from you! If you have a question or comment, please fill out the form below and click Submit.

Requesting A Quote:

As every turning we make is a custom piece, each one is priced differently. The price being the cost of the wood (usually minor) plus the cost of labor. The labor varies considerably with the complexity of the turning. You can send us a:

  • picture

  • drawing

  • sample

Trying to describe the piece over the phone doesn't work very well. If you want the sample back, be sure to include the cost of return shipping.

A picture. The easiest way is to simply email us a jpg, especially if you have a digital camera. It is a good idea to put a tape measure along side of the piece. Close-ups help show the detail. If you don't need an extremely accurate reproduction, that may be all we need.

A drawing. The best drawing is a full scale (1:1), drawn as if you sliced the turning down the middle. Flutes and reeds can be shown in cross section details. JPGs of drawings can made with a digital camera or with a scanner and then can be emailed.

A sample. If you want the sample back, be sure to include the cost of return shipping. If you decide to have us make the piece, the money you send for shipping the sample back will be applied to the order and the sample returned with the order.

Information Request Form

Please use this form to ask us questions, including price quotations for a product you require.

Name: *

Company Name: *

Email: *

Phone Number: *

() ex.

Best Time to Call:


Street Address:

City: *

State: *

Zip Code: *

Business Type: *


What type of products are you interested in? *
(Check all that apply)


Dowel Pins



Shaped Parts

Mini Crates/Boxes



Flag Parts


Columns/ Spindles/ Balusters


Quantities: *


Are you interested in: *


How did you hear about us? *


Question(s) and/or Comment(s):




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